World Sailing: On the eve of Sunday's AGM, the Singapore Sailing Federation (SIN) has sent a pow

SOUTHAMPTON, BERMUDA (#1234) — The controversial pet project of beleaguered World Sailing President Kim Andersen (DEN) to restructure the organization is facing increasing opposition on the eve of tomorrow's Annual General Meeting in Bermuda where it will come up for a vote.
The proposal would eliminate the organization's broad-based, globally-representative Council, and concentrate virtually all the decision-making power in a nine-member, self-perpetutating Board of Directors led by the President.
To pass at Sunday's meeting, the radical proposal requires approval of 75% of the 61 MNAs (member national authorities) that have sent delegates to Bermuda.
As any of you who watched Friday's widely viewed TFE LIVE webcast will know, your Ed. and many others around the world strongly believe Mr Andersen's Governance proposal, if passed in its present form, would be a disaster for the organization — and sport — for all the reasons and more articulated in the excellent letter from Singapore Sailing. Full text follows....