Tuesdays with TFE: Watch a replay of today's informative show on AC36 with guest Richard Gladwel

SAN FRANCISCO – Today's live show was our first using Skype video. Our special guest was longtime friend, racing sailor, and esteemed yachting journalist (and soon to be AC author) Richard Gladwell, NZ editor of Sail-World.com, with his take on plans and preparations for AC36. To say the least, he is not happy with the decision to revert from multihulls to high-performance monohulls. Richard's insight into possible venues for team bases and the race was illuminating, whether or not you've ever been to, let alone lived in, Auckland. To watch a replay on the SAILING ILLUSTRATED Facebook Page, click here.

Beautiful Auckland, NZL. Richard Gladwell explained where for AC36 he thinks the team bases will be located and the waters in which the race course will be situated. The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron is the large white building on the north (left) side of the marina in the foreground.