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Olympics: World Sailing video proclaims the 2024 events and classes, notwithstanding the IOC's P

SAN FRANCISCO (#1246) — Headline says it all, or at least most of it. The IOC's consideration will not come until early 2021, and we see how this all plays out in the meantime. It's a MUST SEE video for those relatively few (sadly) sailors in the world who are involved in, or pay attention to, Olympic sailing.

We will take this up, at least in brief, on Friday's (tomorrow) TFE LIVE when our special guest will be Dr. Hamish Ross (NZL), a lawyer and long-time friend (and at times legal adversary) whose doctoral thesis was on the America's Cup Deed of Gift — our main topic on Friday's show. As always at 1300 Pacific / 2100 UTC / 1000+1 NZT on our Sailing Illustrated Facebook page, or watch a replay there later.

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