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Here's the strongly-worded letter European Sailing Federation President Josep Pla (AND) sent to

SAN FRANCISCO (#1197) – Further to our reporting of yet another blunder by World Sailing's non-sailing CEO Andy Hunt (GBR) and their silent if not complicit Board of Directors, European Sailing Federation Josep Pla (AND) has sent a strongly-worded letter to WS President Kim Andersen (DEN) expressing a "strong disagreement and growing concern about the course WS is taking in its relationship with its members...."

Excerpt from the letter:

On behalf of the Executive Board of EUROSAF I must urge WS’s Board to promptly and completely reverse this unfortunate step and to send a powerful, participation- and transparency-friendly message to all stakeholders stating that no limitation or retaliation shall be applied to Member’s participation in WS meetings.

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