Star Class: 2018 Worlds underway at the beaut Tred Avon YC on Chesapeake Bay; 63 teams from 11 count

OXFORD, MARYLAND, USA (#1113) – Traditional yacht racing at its finest. Practice race yesterday, one race per day over the next six days hosted by a terrific club staffed by dozens of volunteers. Nice, clean event website here including a live race tracker. Sponsored in part by a grant from the Maryland Sports Commission.
Names like Bainton, Beek, Buckingham Cayard, Diaz, Doyle, Jennings, MacCausland, Melleby, Szabo, Terhune and many more of note. That this highly competitive, globally- and historically-significant class is not in the Olympics continues to amaze and dismay your Ed. and many others.
Intro video courtesy of Tred Avon YC with more to come....