VOR: Sailor in Round-the-World Race is 'Lost at Sea' – New York Times
SAN FRANCISCO – Excerpt from a New York Times article by Victor Mather that appears in today's paper, on the loss overboard of John Fisher (GBR/AUS) during the Volvo Ocean Race in the boisterous southern Pacific Ocean: Belying the stereotype of patrician yachtsmen with jaunty caps swilling drinks and getting tan, ocean sailing can be extraordinarily dangerous. In January, an American-Danish entrant in the Volvo race, Vestas, collided with a Chinese fishing boat in the middle of the night off Hong Kong, killing a fisherman. In the 2016 Clipper Round the World Race, an amateur version of the Volvo, two crew members of a yacht were killed in separate incidents. Andrew Simpson, an Olympic gold medalist, died in 2013 during testing for the America’s Cup in San Francisco Bay when his yacht capsized.
Read the full story here.

Photo, credited to Jeremie Lecaudey - Volvo Ocean Race/EPA, via Shutterstock, that accompanied the NYT story with the caption, "John Fisher, a Volvo Ocean Race crewman, was presumed lost at sea."