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AC35: Challenger Finals Race 2 - NZL v. SWE

More interesting start than Race 1. SWE again wins the start ahead and too leeward after NZL tacks to port to gap off. SWE holds NZL high on Leg 1, throwing in a little luff. SWE leads by a boat length at the bear-away Mark 1. Another luff by SWE responded to nicely by the Kiwis. Simo jibes at the boundary, and SWE maintains a 50m lead down the run.

At Gate 2 SWE ahead by :06. NZL chases them up the starboard side of Leg 3. Nice foiling tacks by both boats onto starboard and they race across to the port-side boundary. Artemis tacks ahead and to windward of ETNZ, trying to slow them down with "wing wash." Kiwis tack for clear air followed by a covering tack onto starboard by SWE. Another nice covering tack by Artemis on top of ETNZ into the gate, maintaining their 50-100m lead. Kiwis follow them around the starboard-end Leg 3 gate :09 behind.

Down Leg 4 both teams on 100% Fly Time. Kenny quotes John Bertrand (AUS) from the other day, "These guys are far more like fighter pilots than sailors these days."

SWE looking more settled and quicker, at least so far, than the previous race. Unless they make a mistake they should win this race, as they are maintaining their slim 100m lead up Leg 5 of 7.

Amazing how fast ETNZ tacks. Almost a spin tack. Foiling, of course, all the way through the tack. Artemis tacks almost as well, just not quite as quickly. There will be a split at the Leg 5 gate, Kiwis at the port end, Artemis starboard. Delta :12.

Boundary to boundary jibing down Leg 6. No cover by SWE, who lead by 150m into Gate 6, and then are flying down the final leg to finish with a comfortable lead. This win will be a real confidence builder for Artemis. This will put pressure on NZL to win the starts.

SWE lead wire to wire, with 100% Fly Time (only the second time we've seen that; the other time was ETNZ in a Round Robin race), and they win by :15.

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