Facebook Live: Join our Pre-Race and Post-Race shows – 0930 PDT (1230 EDT) and at 1330 PDT (1630 EDT
OUR FACEBOOK LIVE sessions before and after yesterday's (non-) racing were again big hits judging by the thousands of views and the many very kind comments since. As we did yesterday, your Ed. will open with a brief preview of what to expect when the racing goes live on NBCSN (here in the USA at 1000 PDT / 1300 EDT), and then answer as many questions as we have time for. You can ask questions via the comments section on the Facebook Live screen. This will take place on my personal Facebook Page (www.facebook.com/tomehman) where I have 5,000 loyal "friends." Sorry I can't add more – we're up against FB's 5k friend limit – but you can sign on to my page as a "follower" and see, and participate, in these Facebook Lives. If these continue to be popular, sometime down the road we will have guests join us via the split-screen that is now available on FB Live.