AC35: The BS stops when the starting flag drops
WITH AC35 racing starting in earnest in BDA two weeks from yesterday, in the famous words one former AC skipper, "the wumors are wunning wampant," and, no surprise, speculation about who's on top, and not, is, er, wamping up.
The best rating of the teams so far that I have seen is in a long and thoughtful article by Tony Heppell published yesterday by Yachts and Yachting (GBR). Settle in for a good read, and then let us know if you agree with Ton'y pre-regatta rankings in the AC Section of our new SAILING ILLUSTRATED Forum.

Based on practice racing over the past month, many keen observers are predicting that Artemis Racing will win the Louis Vuitton Cup and be the eventual challenger of ORACLE TEAM USA for the America's Cup Match. What's your call? Photo: ACEA via Yachts and Yachting.