Dueling 52s
QUOTE-UNQUOTE: "The first race almost mimicked a match race with BADPAK slightly ahead of RIO and further down the course INVISIBLE HAND just ahead of FOX. BADPAK came out on top and won the first race, lighting a fire in RIO's belly that helped them win the second two races, ultimately finishing the day as the Class leader. BADPAK and RIO are brand new boats, both arriving in San Diego weeks before Yachting Cup meaning the crews had minimal time to practice together. In fact, RIO had only been in the water for three days before racing today. Owner Manouch Moshayedi was pleased with how the first day went and determined that the day was successful, especially in the last race." –Tonight's SDYC news release, after the first day of the 2017 Yachting Cup, and the inaugural day of racing for the new PAC 52 Class. Photo: Bronny Daniels.