Letter to the Ed: Kudos, caption contest, commenting and "liking"
DEAR TFE, my sailing friends and I here in Newport, RI love your new sailing site. Fantastic. A breath of fresh air! Thanks for putting it up, and for letting me author articles. I hope you like my pseudonym. As you know I am a lawyer who needs to keep a low online profile. Keep up the good work!
As to this photo, I saw it on the Facebook page of an Italian friend. Has anyone seen it before and know when and where it was taken? Owner of the boat? And while you are at it, care to offer up a caption? How can a reader post a comment, only through Facebook? And can you add a way for readers to "like" a post a la FB? Cheers! –Lee.
Thanks, Mr. Bailer, much appreciated. I wonder how many of our dear readers "get" your clever pen name. Readers can "like" a given post by clicking on its headline or the "View Post" button to get to the single-post page, then click on the little heart in the lower right corner. And, yes, to comment readers must have a Facebook account, though not necessarily an FB friend of mine. This means you will be using real names when commenting. I've had quite a discussion with my colleagues about this – Max Moosmann might say an argument – but I do not want to have open commenting, at least not yet. If readers can comment and hide behind fake names, inevitably there will be name calling, personal attacks, and coarse language. I have promised that there will be none of that on SAILING ILLUSTRATED. Moreover, if there is fake-name commenting, I'm afraid it would be a full-time job to monitor and enforce against the trolls. Now if there is volunteer to moderate comments full time? BRAVA! –TFE